Grade: 5
Total time: 2 hrs
Climbing time: 1 hour
Approach time: 20 mins
Exit time: 25 mins
The "Poppitz" route at Hohe Wand is like a hidden gem for climbing enthusiasts. Hohe Wand, with its vast limestone cliffs, is a climber's paradise in Lower Austria. The "Poppitz" route is no exception, offering a thrilling mix of vertical walls, challenging overhangs, and breathtaking exposure.
Starting off, the climb teases you with some moderate pitches, lulling you into a rhythm before cranking up the difficulty. As you ascend, you hit sections that demand precise footwork and strong fingers, navigating through crimps and pockets carved by nature over millennia. The route's variety keeps you engaged, constantly switching between technical slabs and powerful moves.
Once you reach the top, you're rewarded with sweeping vistas of the Vienna Basin and beyond. The sense of accomplishment, coupled with the stunning scenery, makes the "Poppitz" route a memorable adventure for any climber.